
By: Mr. Wilson on August 31, 2007
The Haymarket's biggest building has been sold, and it will soon get a facelift to "give it more of a Haymarket feel". The current Holiday Inn may even become a Crowne Plaza, giving it its fifth name in three-and-a-half decades. I'm curious about the exterior facelift to make it look Harmarket-y. Are they going beat the exterior with sledgehammers to make it look like it's old and falling apart?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

August 31, 2007 at 2:53PM

I see they are working with Davis Design on the exterior work. Davis Design built the Westgate Bank building on Highway 2 and has an extensive portfolio. Nothing on their <u>Website </u>to compare to what the article mentions though.

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