Extreme Lincoln Makeover?

By: Mr. Wilson on October 24, 2006
Rumors are flyin' around town that Ty and the Extreme Home Makeover crew are due in town next week. Froggy 98.1 morning show personality Gary is apparently the originator of the rumor, his source being his brother's girlfriend. Is it true? We'll have to wait and see. If it is true, look for the Huskers to be involved somehow, and you can count on Cindy Lange-Kubick to track Ty's every move.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

October 24, 2006 at 3:11AM

haven’t they already been in town once?

Mr. T
October 24, 2006 at 3:39AM

Nice! That’s awesome if it’s true. Any clue from these people on who or which neighborhood it will be in?

One other admission: Although it would be cool to have them do one in Lincoln featuring lincolnites, in my heirarchy of favorite reality TV show-types, I would first rather see (in no order):

- A lincolnite who works at Nelnet on “The Apprentice”

- Rachel Ray doing a “$40 a day” in Lincoln (God that would be so easy)

- An “Iron Chef America” or “Throw Down” featuring a good lincolnite chef versus Bobby Flay (like the dude at Billy’s)

- A “City Confidential” on Lincoln

- A “Dateline: To Catch A Predator” based in Lincoln

Mr. T
October 24, 2006 at 3:49AM

Oh yeah and I forgot to mention: a “Cops” in Lincoln. That would be awesome.

October 24, 2006 at 5:03AM

me and Mr. Wilson know a cop in Lincoln…hmmm…that could work.

October 24, 2006 at 5:07AM

To Catch a Predator in Lincoln would just be way to freaky for me.  Cause Lincoln is still small enough that you would know someone that walked in or at least you would know someone who knew someone.

*cue former University of Nebraska Band director joke here*

Mr. T
October 24, 2006 at 1:41PM

To Catch a Predator in Lincoln would just be way to freaky for me.  Cause Lincoln is still small enough that you would know someone that walked in or at least you would know someone who knew someone.

Yep. But that would be the entertaining part: seeing someone you know getting caught as an internet predator. And when they walk into Chris Hansen’s house, they’d probably be wearing a husker t-shirt or something.

October 24, 2006 at 10:11PM

I live across the street from Bethany Park.  I have a MySpace account.  If someone with a camcorder wants to go in on this venture…  Oh yeah, I guess we need a girl too.

Mr. T
October 24, 2006 at 11:11PM

Oh yeah, I guess we need a girl too.

No that’s the beauty of the show. You don’t actually need a real girl. You just need someone pretending to be an underage girl to hit the chat rooms like they do on the show. The only remaining contingency is - what if a congressman takes the bait and shows up?

Dave K
October 27, 2006 at 2:53PM

Apparently they’re currently at or will be at 68th and Platt in Havelock.

Mr. Wilson
October 27, 2006 at 2:57PM

Very cool. Thanks for the update, Dave K. If anybody is in the area and gets some photos, send them my way, won’t you? Thanks!

October 27, 2006 at 7:39PM

That’s my old stomping grounds Mr. Wilson.  Maybe you should contact the other guy that lives near there.

Mr. Wilson
October 27, 2006 at 7:43PM

Oh really? How close is it?

Taylor Nuttleman
November 1, 2006 at 2:38AM

When do you actually supprise the family? I would like to be there! You guys have done an excellent job so far I seen the house today and it looks great!!! Please write back thanks!!!

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