Expect Delays

By: Mr. Wilson on May 6, 2006
Don't forget, folks, the Lincoln Marathon is Sunday morning. Expect delays if you plan to drive anywhere between Downtown and Highway 2, 10th Street and 70th Street. Better yet, why not get out and offer some encouragement to the runners and wheelchair racers? Here are some tips:
  • Cheer, clap, hoot, and holler for everybody. They really appreciate it.
  • Use your creativity and humor. There's nothing wrong with the traditional "Good job!", but creative encouragement gives the runners something to think about other than "Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow."
  • Give a special shout-out to the National Guard runners from around the country who come to Lincoln just for the race.
  • You may think hosing down the runners with your sprinkler would be appreciated, but you'd be wrong. Wet shoes suck.
  • Always make sure you have plenty of space before you try to cross the course. If you get in a runner's way, he may very well kill you. And frankly, if I were on the jury, I'd acquit him.
Most importantly, have a sense of humor. The marathon will dominate the streets Sunday morning. Being cranky won't help anything. Every year I see a traffic cop have to berate an idiot driver or two. Don't be that idiot.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

May 7, 2006 at 6:19AM

If you really wanna have fun at the Lincoln Marathon volunteer to be a lube guy.

This is now the 14th year I’ve not run at least the half-marathon despite promises to do it every year.  As a Cubs fan I can deal with this let down. I’ll just wait for next year.

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