Even the Big Dogs Are Barkin’
By: Mr. Wilson on
October 2, 2009
At the very least, the County Board should wait for completion of the audit being conducted by state Auditor Mike Foley before making a decision. And it is worrisome that, "The County Board said it would like to sign a purchase agreement by Nov. 4, the date by which state Auditor Mike Foley said he would have his audit report of the manor completed. Even if the audit is not done by then, the County Board intends to proceed with the sale, according to Commissioner Bob Workman" (LJS, Aug. 27).I personally still haven't decided if the sale of Lancaster Manor is a good thing or not, or at what price it becomes a good thing. My problem -- and the problem so many other people have -- is with the County Board's seeming obliviousness to some very reasonable concerns (such as waiting until after the audit) from the public. At the very least there's a perception problem going on and the Board isn't taking that problem seriously. I doubt a letter from a handful of State Senators will change that.
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