Election Wrap-Up
By: Mr. Wilson on
November 8, 2006
- Heineman in a landslide. Surprise surprise. If 75% isn't a mandate, I don't know what is.
- I knew Ben would beat Pete, but 65-35? That's an old-fashioned butt-womping. Makes one wonder how many voters voted against Pete rather than for Ben.
- Fortenberry got a scare early, but he has pulled away easily. Moul didn't seem to put up much of a fight (or maybe she was just overshadowed by the Pete/Ben race and I423). I think Fortenberry is beatable in the right circumstances.
- I'm a little surprised that Amendment 2 lost. Was there even any organized opposition?
- Damn, no video keno. I was really looking forward to being bombarded by flashy games. You're telling me I have to drive all the way to Iowa to spend my quarters?
- I love paper ballots. They're easy to use, they are tangible, and they don't crash.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Not sure what the opposition to Amendment 2 was, it seems like a no brainer to me.
I used the electronic ballot marker at our precinct last night. It looks like a souped up laptop but all it really is is an optical scanner that allows you to use a touch screen to complete the ballot. The machine then darkens the ovals for you and spits out your paper ballot to turn in. It would have been just as fast if not faster to fill in the ovals with a pencil, but what the heck.
I guess the advantage is that it’s already counted, so they don’t have to then re feed the paper through a machine later. I like the idea of having a verifiable paper trail though, so that seems like a good compromise to the problem.
I think they could have phrased amendment 2 better.
I was also a little surprised that the Senate margin was as large as it is. Then I saw Pete’s post-election interview with 10/11 and realized why the margin was as it was. This race would have been close had Johanns been running, and Johanns and Ricketts are complete opposites when it comes to likability. His campaign focused on the wrong issues at the wrong times, and he’s just not very likable.
This election will at least delay for a couple years the cries about people buying elections. Ricketts put a lot of his money into his campaign, and the Republicans in general had a lot more money than the Democrats, but still lost.
I’m guessing the early returns in District 1 were Lincoln precincts from 70th and O to the Highlands. The only reason this one wasn’t a higher margin was because of the political climate.
If you follow the LJS letters and editorial comments, you would have predicted that Kleeb was headed for a landslide (that gives you more of an idea of the type of people that cruise the LJS website, not what couldwouldshoulda happened in District 3). Kleeb was a very strong candidate, and I’m actually surprised this one wasn’t closer. I wouldn’t be shocked if this wasn’t the last we see of him.
It makes me crazy that people didn’t jump at the chance to vote for Amendment 2! People want government to change, and they vote against this kind of opportunity to return millions more to Lincoln and other communities at no cost to the taxpayer? I’m so disappointed…....
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