Election Thoughts

By: Mr. Wilson on November 3, 2010
  • We get new sewers! Woohoo! You may think my exuberance is exaggerated for comedic effect, but it's not. Basic infrastructure needs like the stormwater projects approved yesterday are one of the fundamental purposes of local government.
  • Lincoln's budget cycle is now two years long, rather than one. That shouldn't directly affect any of us too much. Rather, the changes will mostly occur behind the scenes with budget personnel.
  • Is anybody else surprised that the Democrats couldn't come up with better competition for Governor Heineman? Heineman is on his way to ten years in his office, yet his leadership qualities are weak at best. On the contrary, Heineman seems to lead by, well, not leading. There's plenty of fodder there for an opponent to work with. Sure Nebraska is a Republican state, but the Democrats' showing in this race was shameful.
  • Deshler Mayor Alan Holle told voters to vote for his opponent. All but 14% of voters listened to him. In a situation like that, if you don't like the mayor do you vote for him or against him?
Did any of you have voting troubles yesterday? There are plenty of horror stories from around the country about people having difficulties, but so far I haven't seen any reports from Lincoln or Nebraska.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

November 3, 2010 at 2:25PM

I had no trouble. My polling place wasn’t busy at 8:50 am. Just me and a couple of, uh, “seasoned citizens.” I lived up to my vow to never again vote for Heineman, due to the way he handled the license plate debacle (hey, we all have our issues, right?). I think it seems like of all the candidates, more people voted for Mike Foley than for anyone else running in any race. Thoughts on that?

November 3, 2010 at 3:00PM

I also scrupulously avoided the Heineman oval, although I did vote for Foley. He does seem intent on getting waste under control. Otherwise, straight Dem. Did any of the judges not pass muster?

November 3, 2010 at 4:01PM

Voted at about 5:30. Busy. Most had to wait a minute or two for a booth. Wife went a little after 7 and reported the same business.

For all the whining the dems are doing about Heineman, Fort, et. al., you’d think they could come up with candidates that would at least make me pause for a second or two before casting my vote. I mean Meister? Harper? You’ve got to be kidding.

Mr. Wilson
November 3, 2010 at 7:05PM

Foley is a bit of a folk hero right now thanks to his identification of government waste and improprieties. Best of all (from most folks’ perspectives) he doesn’t do it quietly. That can be interpreted many ways, but most folks see it more as shaming the “bad” guys and less as Foley patting himself on the back.

I just wonder if Foley is going to use his popularity to move to a different office. I’m not convinced his skills are translatable to other areas.

November 5, 2010 at 12:52PM

I now think Foley will be running for Gov in 2014. If Heiny isn’t running for senate in 2012, what’s next for him, unless he decides to go for Johann’s seat in 2014 (which would make sense). I don’t think Heiny would do that unless Johanns has already given some secret info that he won’t run again.

With Bruning running for Senate in 2012 (whether Bruning wins or not, it’s going to be bye-bye-Ben time), I don’t know if Foley will throw his hat into that race.

Or, maybe Foley would want Bruning’s job, if Bruning leaves that job to be the junior Senator from the Great State of Nebraska.

Heiny can’t run for Gov again - who else is likely to line up for that job? Foley could be the top contender.

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