Election Recap

By: Mr. Wilson on May 2, 2007
Who picked 850 votes in the margin of victory pool? Anybody? Looks like we will be picking on (or loving?) Mayor Chris Beutler for the next four years. I suppose can live with that. I could have lived with Mayor Ken Svoboda, too. Frankly, their platforms weren't all that different. They both ran on the un-Seng ticket, and they were both successful at it. Putting aside all of the big talk of the campaign, the number one thing I want most from Mayor Beutler is strong leadership. He will have many opportunities to prove himself in that regard in his first few months. Some of the comments over at the LJS are pretty entertaining:
"I voted for Beutler but not for the reasons you may think. Of the 2 candidates Beutler is more likely to raise taxes and and scare off businesses (look at the failing grade business groups give him). I want to drive this city into the ground, I want to see people fleeing this city like rats off of a sinking ship. Only once we have hit rock bottom will we then be able to change this city for the better and the sooner we get to rock bottom the sooner we can start building our city back up."
"YES!!!! At least I can be assured that when Mr. Beutler runs businesses out of town and I lose my job there will be plently of new expensive and worthless social programs to cusion the fall!!! "
"Why do I feel like vomiting!! Shows how intelligent Lincoln people are when Beutler was too lazy and dense to come up with his own thoughts, and had to use Truman's "the buck stops here" and voted for every tax increase in the legislature!!
And my favorite:
"Thank goodness Seng will be out. I blame her for Alex Gordon batting under .200."
As for Ken Svoboda, let's talk about those medians...


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

May 2, 2007 at 7:34PM

I think the next Friday 5 should be “5 different ways to pronounce our new mayors name”

May 3, 2007 at 2:22PM

Congrats to the new mayor. I hope he can live up to his objectives. That would be refreshing.

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