Door-to-Door Counting

By: Mr. Wilson on January 8, 2009
It doesn't really seem like it has been almost ten years since the last census, but here we are quickly approaching 2010. Pretty soon we're going to have to figure out what we will call this current decade. About 100 people will be hired in the Lincoln area to help with the census. That sounds like an interesting job. I'll bet you get to meet a crazy cast of characters. And the pay isn't bad: $11.50 per hour. I wonder with how much respect door-to-door census personnel are treated. Do folks tend to treat them like telemarketers, or do they actually get a little respect? In 2000 my roommate and I were visited by a census employee, a friendly older gentleman who seemed to take his job in stride. The questions he asked were quick and simple. I felt guilty that we hadn't turned in our forms on time. I found them several months later in a "to-do" pile. Oops. Have any of you worked for the census before? How was it?


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