Don’t Forget the Big Kids
By: Mr. Wilson on
July 5, 2006
We would like to express our feelings about the new Roberts Park equipment. We are very displeased with little slides, swings, and no basketball court. Our new park is very small and the builders think there are lots of kids around the age of 2-6 that can play with the equipment. We would like the builders to know that there are a lot of kids around the age of 8-13 who can’t play on the equipment. We would like bigger slides, so it would be more fun for us older kids. We would like one of the swings to be higher so we aren't scraping our feet and touching the ground. We would like our basketball court back, and we would like the baseball diamond that they told us we would have. We would truly like bigger and better equipment for our park. Plus a new bike rack.Good letter, kids. Good luck to you.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
YES! I’m a big kid who finds I can’t use most park equipment anymore, too. Alsthough I’m an adult (by chronological standards, anyway) I like to go on swings, play on a merry go round, etc. But all decent sized equipment is being replaced by toddler safe low plastic stuff.
Makes me sad.
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