The Wilsons are in the process of acquiring an exciting 1996 Mercury Mystique with 35,000 miles to replace our ailing 1993 Ford Tempo, which I have had since high school. We're getting the Mystique very cheap from family. That, combined with the fact that the Tempo just isn't worth all that much, has removed all the pressure of trying to get as much money as we can for it. Our leading option right now, in fact, is to give it away.
To be honest, we have pretty much decided to give the car to a local immigrant family via my wife's church. However I would like to get some feedback from you folks about who in Lincoln accepts vehicle donations and which organizations can really benefit from the gifts. I know the American Red Cross solicits vehicle donations. Who else is out there?
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
St. Mark’s United Methodist Church used to have a vehicle donation program.
When we lived in NJ, we donated a car to a local woman’s abuse shelter. It was nice knowing that someone who was trying to rebuild their lives after such pain would be getting the car.
I was going to suggest contacting Friendship Home to see if they accept these types of donations. Also, there’s the Peoples City Mission, but I would think they get a lot more donations than a place like Friendship Home. I have a soft spot for charities that take care of abused women and children.
As an addtional plug, we are only a couple of weeks away from Friendship Home’s “Safe Quarters” program. You may want to keep some spare change handy that you can toss into the buckets when they come to your door.
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