D’oh! Oh Dear!

By: Mr. Wilson on August 18, 2009
Homer's is closing the last of its Lincoln stores within the coming weeks. The closing comes fifteen years after Homer's appeared locally when it snapped up Pickles and Twisters (remember them?). The Journal Star reports that there were, at its peak, six Homer's locations throughout town. Darned if I can remember where they all were. Can you help my foggy memory? I only specifically remember a couple:
  1. Downtown at 14th and O.
  2. South of Holdrege on North 48th.
  3. There was probably one in Gateway. Wasn't there?
I have vague recollections of others. Help!


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

August 18, 2009 at 1:24PM

14th and P which is now La Mexicana.

SW corner of 70th and O st, behind the Hy vee

Dave K
August 18, 2009 at 1:32PM

I’m not sure about Gateway, but I know there was one at East Park.  I recall buying my first ‘Parental Advisory’ (Doggystyle) CD at that Homer’s/Twister’s.  I was very nervous because I heard they check for ID—I was 14 at the time—and I didn’t want to get ‘busted’.  I had no problems and thoroughly enjoyed the CD. 😉

I’m impressed that they’ve been able to stay open for this long in the age of MP3s.

August 18, 2009 at 2:18PM

Yes, they had a store right near the north entrance to East Park when it was still a plaza with “66 stores at 66th and O”. It was amazing at the time that they had that one, plus the one south of Gateway. I think that one was inherited from Twisters (formely Dirt Cheap, yes?).

I don’t think they had one at Gateway ever. There was a chain record store in there, where that Teddy Bear Express (or whatever) is now.

17th and P - which I think they inherited from Pickles. That one had to have bit the dust when they moved to the big location on O Street. 

Behind the old Hy-Vee about a half block south of 70th and O is right.

There was a good-sized location at 48th and Van Dorn, in the plaza now anchored by CVS. See The Trainer or something is there now.

There was a location just north of 56th and Highway 2 - in the south half of the building where Don and Millie’s is.

That is 5. For the life of me I don’t remember one on N 48th south of Holdrege.

August 18, 2009 at 2:22PM

Are you thinking of the one that was on 27th just south of Holdrege? There was one in East Park, one in the little strip mall on 48th and Van Dorn, and the downtown location moved next to the Zoo Bar on 14th.

August 18, 2009 at 2:31PM

Shares the building with Big Apple Bagel

August 18, 2009 at 2:31PM

They did have one in north Lincoln - a few blocks south of Holdrege.  I never went there but remember seeing it there up until a few years ago. I remember the one on 48th/Van Dorn being pretty large. I cant remember where they all were, probably b/c I only went to the one downtown or on Van Dorn.

August 18, 2009 at 2:31PM

Wow, I also have no recollection of one on N 27th South of Holdrege. I actually bought albums and CD’s at all the other locations listed above.

Speaking of music stores that are no longer around, it’s too bad the Hastings store at 40th and Old Cheney didn’t make it. Their prices for new stuff were high, but it was a nice store, and they had far and away the top selection of used CD’s in the area. They also had a much better array of DVD’s for sale and/or rent than Blockbuster did.

This was a good blog topic. We should try to assemble a list of all the locations that Applause Video and the other big local chain (names escapes me - I am thinking of the one that was at 40th and Old Cheney. Had yellow walls and yellow logo.) had before Blockbuster bought them and started to shut them all down. LOL

Mr. Wilson
August 18, 2009 at 2:32PM

Maybe I invented the one on North 48th. I have a picture of one in my mind, but maybe I’ve misplaced it.

August 18, 2009 at 2:37PM

Speaking of that, the other piece of the LJS article that was kind of a bummer is that the landlord wants one tenant, so Big Apple Bagel could be forced to close or move.

August 18, 2009 at 5:01PM

I finally got the name - it was Video Station.

August 18, 2009 at 5:41PM

Hopefully now the city can come along and blight that location along with the car wash and chinese buffet to the east. 😉

August 18, 2009 at 8:13PM

They should blight East Park while they are at it. I’m sure the theater people have kicked themselves for years for doing such a nice remodel only to face the only doors into the mall which no longer exists.

Scott T.
August 19, 2009 at 4:22AM

I worked at Video Station in college and it was my job to drive the other locations tapes to the HQ building at 40th and O at mid-night 3 nights a week.  Pretty sure all those locations are still seared into my skull.

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