Do Other Cities Have Foresters?

By: Mr. Wilson on August 10, 2010
One question I haven't seen answered so far in the discussion over the City Forester position is whether such a position is common among municipalities. Which types of communities have one, and which don't? How does Lincoln's forester position compare to others in terms of responsibilities, qualifications, pay, and so forth? I've tried to find an answer on my own but so far my Google-fu is failing me. About the only thing I've discovered is that Omaha recently filled its Forester position after several years without one. That's a step in the right direction. Who among you can help fill the gaps?


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Mr. Wilson
August 10, 2010 at 12:52PM

All that does is confirm that yes, other communities have a forester position. I already knew that. I’m looking for more comprehensive information, and ideally comparative information. I could, of course, do that myself if I had the time (and desire), but I have to believe somebody has already done the work. Surely there’s a grad student out there somewhere who has done this kind of review.

August 10, 2010 at 2:03PM

Just think if there was a newspaper in town that would investigate this type of thing. That would be something!

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