I nearly piddled myself in excitement when I saw the South Beltway on a list of "priority" projects for the Department of Roads. Reality soon set in, however. The beltway has made (and disappeared from) similar lists in the past. And its $158 million price tag isn't due to be allocated until 2020-2023. If you actually believe it'll happen then (and at that price), I have some oil-free property in the Sandhills to sell you.
But ... this is progress. Being on the list is better than not being on the list. Still, I can't help but gripe about the fact that the final pieces of the East Beltway should be put in place right about now. That we aren't even going to begin the South Beltway for another decade in the best of circumstances is horrible.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I read that, and thought of your blog right away. It’s progress, I guess.
I understand how Hwy 2’s trucks are a problem - try crossing at grade level riding a recumbent trike.
But wouldn’t the solution for you be achieved much sooner if you would just move back into Lincoln?
Who moved out of Lincoln? And when this person moves to Lincoln, how does that solve anything?
Your comment has left me befuddled.
I am also looking forward to driving the south Lincoln beltway one day.
If 5 years ago, you would have told me that Lincoln would see the construction of a new arena, a new ice center, a UNL innovation campus, a 10 story building downtown and a major park and festival space in downtown Lincoln during an economic recession, I would have thought you were crazy.
Lincoln is making remarkable progress during trying economic times. There is reason to be optimistic. It’s a good time to live in this town.
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