Dear Readers: Do Our Job For Us

By: Mr. Wilson on November 9, 2005
The Journal Star apparently isn't capable of doing its own reporting, so its readers to come to the rescue. Which begs the question: for what purpose? The Journal Star had the opportunity to print a story on Saturday (the mall event occurred on Friday evening), and they did. If they wanted to run a more detailed article, they could have done so on Sunday. Why are they just now getting around to realizing that news happened nearly a week ago? Why was nobody from the Journal Star on the scene at what should have been a newsworthy event even without the chaos?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

November 10, 2005 at 8:49PM

It seems to me that the JS doesn’t cover business stories unless they’re paid to do so (see each Monday’s edition).  You might think the city’s largest shopping center reopening after a multi-million dollar investment might warrant some coverage, but not according to the JS.  They must have had already reached their one-local-business story per week quota before last Friday.  If you can’t tell, I’m pretty much fed up with the JS’s lack of coverage of local business topics.

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