Dear Adobe

By: Mr. Wilson on November 8, 2005
Dear Adobe, Thank you for making Adobe LifeCycle Designer 7.0. It's a swell product. With Designer I have been able to develop some incredible dynamic forms. I still have a lot to learn about the product, but so far I am very impressed. I do have one tiny little gripe, though: Designer likes to impersonate Windows 95. Designer's performance degrades the longer you use it, and every now and again it crashes for no particular reason. Designer especially enjoys crashing when I press CTRL+S. I nearly broke my keyboard this morning while venting in reaction to one of the three crashes I've experienced so far today. My co-workers probably think I have anger-management issues. Please fix this impressively powerful and frustratingly crappy software as soon as possible. Thank you. --Mr. Wilson


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

November 9, 2005 at 3:40AM

Memory leaks are fun.  If it’s brannew I’m sure they’ll have a patch for it soon enough.

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