Crazy Ideas for Lincoln

By: Mr. Wilson on March 30, 2006
Back when the Sunken Gardens was built it must have seemed like a crazy idea:
Person 1: We've got this big hole at 27th and Capital Parkway. What should we do with it? Person 2: Let's turn it into a garden. Person 1: Huh? Person 2: Plant a bunch of flowers, throw in a fountain and some pools. It'll be great! Person 1: But it's just a big hole on the side of the road... Person 2: People will want to get married there. It'll be so romantic! Person 1: Dude, are you feeling ok?
And yet that crazy use for the big hole in the ground has turned into a heck of a community asset. Which makes me wonder: what crazy -- but possible -- idea do you have for Lincoln? I have lots of crazy ideas, so it's hard to pick just one to mention here. A current one I've been thinking about is converting what's now known as Highway 2 into an aesthetically-pleasing boulevard after Highway 2 is re-routed around town via the South Beltway. There are all sorts of possibilities for beautifying the road and its environs and making it more friendly to its neighbors, especially since there is so much green space along its length through the city.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr .T
March 31, 2006 at 1:27PM

2 suggestions, but probably not suitably crazy -
1) Make Lincoln wireless;
2) Build a new, larger downtown public library that doesn’t resemble a dungeon. Complete with lounges, study/meeting rooms, more computers for public use and a greater holdings collection overall.

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