Cover-Up in Lincoln

By: Mr. Wilson on September 12, 2006
If you're a property owner in Lincoln, prepare for a cover-up. Of graffiti, that is. The City Council passed an anti-graffiti ordinance yesterday, which means:
  • Minimum fines for graffiti deed-doers are now $200
  • Property owners have 15 days to cover up graffiti on their property
  • Property owners can hire the city to remove the graffiti
  • Property owners can pay $50 to ask for an extension or exception
Just for fun, if you happen to see any graffiti on public property that isn't promptly removed, send me a photo. I will post the photo here and submit a letter to the city to help ensure that our public areas set a good example.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 12, 2006 at 1:38PM

Not to be too big of a pessimist, but I would wager that the city is one of the biggest offenders of the 15-day rule now.  I love your idea of posting photos!

September 12, 2006 at 4:19PM

15 days is a bit short. If someone spray paints my garage and I’m, say, on vacation, I might not see it right away. Plus, trying to find the time to cover up graffiti isn’t somethigng I can always fit into any given week (or two) considering the schedule full time work and school requires.

I think a month would be more fair- especially for residential property owners.

I have not had any problems with graffitti yet, but there has been some very close to home.

September 13, 2006 at 3:12PM

Studies show that removing graffiti within 48 hours is the best way to deter re-tagging (on the same spot or nearby). So, 15 days is actually too long, but 48 hours is unenforceable. In this case, I think educating people about graffiti is the only feasible approach, so that they might remove it within 48 hours as a matter of course.

Mr. Wilson
September 13, 2006 at 3:38PM

There may be a way to take at least some of the sting out of a property owner’s responsibility: the City could partner with businesses to sell “graffiti repair kits” at cost or just above cost. The kits would include the necessary supplies, along with instructions and information about graffiti.

As long as the City is pushing an unfunded mandate upon property owners, it may as well make the mandate as painless as possible.

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