Perhaps the data show something different, but it seems that in Lincoln different crimes come and go in waves. Right now robbery appears to be the crime of choice. Last year LPD investigated 18 robberies. This year we're already up to 37, with 8 so far in November.
I don't have a guess as to why robberies are up this year. You can't really blame the economy. Lincoln escaped most of the brunt of the recession, and to the extent we were affected we've pretty much rebounded. If the economy were to blame, you'd think robberies would have been higher the past few years while dropping this year. Some crime patterns follow the weather, but that doesn't seem like a likely explanation in this case. If you've got a hypothesis I'd love to hear it.
While LPD is working on all these robberies, perhaps you can help them out by taking a peek at the Lincoln Crimestoppers website. Who knows, maybe you'll recognize somebody, help solve a crime, and pick up a cash reward.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I think success breeds success—for a while, at least. Cops say a bunch of these are related. Usually, the robbers can’t help themselves. They get away with it once, then again, then again. Eventually, they screw up and get caught.
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