Coming Out of the Closet

By: Mr. Wilson on September 12, 2012
Lincoln's Foster Care Closet announced some exciting news the other day:
The Foster CARE Closet is EXPANDING our services. Starting October 1 the FCC will open an Intake CARE Center. Now when a child is removed from their environment to be placed into another home they will make the FCC their FIRST stop. Instead of sitting at case managers desks or in Police cars while placement is being made, they will now come directly to the FCC Intake CARE Center. There we will have the honor and privilege to welcome them into a caring, clean and child friendly environment. We will be able to offer food when they are in need of a meal and because the Department and the FCC are partnering together for this outreach, we will be able to send a child to their placement with up to 5 NEW outfits.
This is huge news for several reasons:
  1. It's a roaring testament to founder Leigh Esau's hard work on behalf of and dedication to Nebraska's foster children;
  2. It's a small but significant indicator that Nebraska's Department of Health and Human Services is starting to recognize how much help the agency needs;
  3. It gives area children a significantly more gentle and comfortable introduction to the world of foster care than what they've previously experienced.
The Foster Care Closet needs help to make this happen. For starters, they're going to need about $5,000 for materials, labor, furnishings and so forth. You can donate online at any time. They're also looking for some other donations and assistance, described here. The Foster Care Closet is a fantastic organization. They were there to support our family as we got into foster care, and we've happily given back to them on several occasions. This new expansion of their services will benefit area foster kids in real, visible, and significant ways -- ways that ultimately benefit the entire community. This is great news for the Closet and for child welfare in Nebraska.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 12, 2012 at 5:28PM

A great story. Wish there were more Leigh Esaus to go around!

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