Choose Your Site (Or Not)

By: Mr. Wilson on March 10, 2010
If you haven't already chosen your side in the Haymarket Arena debate -- or even if you have -- here are two websites you will want to keep handy. First up, Yes For Lincoln Haymarket Arena. Who runs their website?
Citizens FOR Jobs and the Lincoln Haymarket Arena is passionate about the opportunity we have to build a new arena and keep Lincoln moving in the right director. We are: neighborhood leaders, business owners, preservationists, trail supporters, students, youth sports leaders, Husker basketball boosters, concert and entertainment enthusiasts, union members, Democrats, Republicans and moms and dads from all over Lincoln.
On the other side we have No2Arena. Their mission:
Our mission objective is simple. We are here to arm all freedom-loving Lincoln citizens with intellectual ammunition to combat the Arena boondoggle. We are dedicated to bringing you the other side of the equation and show that the 2015 Vision Group's published information does not tell the complete story. We will show you “the real facts!”
Clearly these folks have a significantly smaller budget and the website hasn't been running nearly as long. Hopefully they are able to get up to speed relatively quickly.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

March 10, 2010 at 4:53PM

Pro-Arena = Don’t love freedom?

Karin Dalziel
March 10, 2010 at 6:32PM

An interesting commentary on website design. Which site would you trust?


“We are here to arm all freedom-loving Lincoln citizens with intellectual ammunition to combat the Arena boondoggle.”

I’ll bet a dollar this was written by a gun owner over the age of 50.

Matthew Platte
March 11, 2010 at 12:35AM

...because the gun owner’s under the age of 50 have weeker vocabularies and can’t spell they’re words as well? 😉

March 11, 2010 at 2:07PM

If the people that run are so concerned about showing us “the real facts,” why don’t they link to or list any of the real facts on their site? All they do is ask the same questions in different ways and expect us to feel terrified.

March 11, 2010 at 2:10PM
Karin Dalziel
March 11, 2010 at 4:37PM

I don’t know if I’d call the vocab weaker, but “boondoggle” isn’t a word I hear commonly used by the under 40 set. 😊

Karin Dalziel
March 11, 2010 at 4:39PM

You know, I’ve not made up my mind about the arena, but the “no” site has done more to sway me towards the “yes” side than the “yes” site had done.

I am messed up.

March 12, 2010 at 1:42PM

Here’s what I feel.  With all of these pro-con arguments aside.  I personally feel that it’s not going to matter WHAT the “vote” is.  If it’s YES then nor problem.  If it’s “NO” then the groups that are touting this will find another way to get this built.  We ALL know that is exactly what’s going to happen.  It’s all about what is good for the mighty Big Red Machine and what THEY want.  It’s not about what the PEOPLE want.  There are any number of areas in and around Lincoln that would be MUCH better suited for a venue of this size and scope.  However, those sites would be much too far for the University to conveniently use.  If it’s deemed good for the University then it WILL be done.  Especially in Lincoln.

March 13, 2010 at 4:21PM

To bring up a much previous post… guess which site’s email address is proudly .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

I honestly didn’t know they still existed.

March 13, 2010 at 7:12PM

To what are you referencing???

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