I Deam Of ... Kim Jong-il?

By: Mr. Wilson on February 8, 2005
I'm not sure what this says about me or what's going on in my head, but last night I dreamt that Kim Jong-il had somehow taken over my computer remotely. He was a tricky little bastard, too. He kept deleting files off my desktop. Good thing I had backups.

Behind the Times

By: Mr. Wilson on February 4, 2005
In a late-breaking story, Newsweek reports on a startling new theory:
How did life, in its infinite complexity, come to be? A controversial new theory called 'intelligent design' asserts a supernatural agent was at work
Uhh, wasn't there a book written about that, like, 6,000 years ago?

Mr. Wilson is Dead

By: Mr. Wilson on February 4, 2005
Well, he feels that way, anyway. He's close enough to death that he is referring to himself in the third person, so his illness must be serious. It's probably Ebola. [Update: 8:09PM] My temperature is 101.0. I haven't had a temperature that high in years. I have quite a ways to break my record, though. It was something like 106 or 107. Yeah, I was prone to high fevers as a kid. [/update]

Eminent Domain Abuse in Ohio

By: Mr. Wilson on February 2, 2005
Some people have said to me, "Mr. Wilson, the block on which Samurai Sam's [and other businesses] sits is so unattractive. Wouldn't a hotel be a better use of that land? It would certainly be a more attractive land use." Perhaps. But it isn't my place to say what constitutes a "better" use of land when that land is not mine. Nor is it your place. My reasons for getting fired up about the Samurai Sam's situation go far beyond that specific case. Eminent domain abuse is going on all over the country. And it is all but certain that Lincoln will have to rely on eminent domain to acquire some, most, or even all of the land needed to complete critical portions of the Antelope Valley Project. That's not to say that Lincoln [i]will[/i] abuse eminent domain in the future. But it is a distinct possibility. The Samurai Sam's case will say a lot about how Lincoln intends to treat property owners over the next several years, especially since Samurai Sam's land is not "critical" to the completion of the Antelope Valley Project. Just because Samurai Sam's doesn't make a great poster child for eminent domain abuse doesn't mean that other Lincolnites won't face the fear of eminent domain in the future. Nationwide, governments abuse blight designations all of the time, blatantly violating the property rights of average Joes like you and me. Only protesting rights abuses in a fit of NIMBYism is better than no activism at all, but it's still cowardly.

Heaven in an Intestine

By: Mr. Wilson on February 1, 2005
Last night I fired up the grill and cooked a couple jalapeno cheddar brats from Karpisek's Meat Market in Wilber, Nebraska. They had been recommended to me by ... well, by several people, actually. I happened to be in Wilber one day a couple weeks ago so I stopped by Karpisek's. Oh sweet goodness in a pig intestine. The brats were filled with little pieces of jalapeno chiles, they oozed cheddar cheese, and the meat was oh so carnivorific. They were beautiful, people. Beautiful. I nearly wept. Get thee to Wilber, people. Today.

Global Warming is Good

By: Mr. Wilson on January 28, 2005
Global warming is a good thing, or so say a few scientists:
"Instead of driving us to the brink of environmental disaster, human intervention and technology progress will be seen as vital activities that have unintentionally delayed the onset of a catastrophic ice age."
You heard 'em, go start up your cars and start belching out fumes. It's for the protection of the human species, darnit!

Vien Dong, we hardly knew ye

By: Mr. T on January 27, 2005
Well I confirmed with my own eyes today that Vien Dong restaurant across from the UNL city campus has either closed or moved. This was my favorite restaurant in the UNL/near downtown area, and for a while there, especially during the summer, I was heading over there every weekend for some beef pho (and they did serve it with a slice of lime, lettuce and sprouts - - but often times no basil). I'm not sure what it DIDN"T have going for it. The pho was decent - and I have eaten pho in Vietnam before - the place was clean and actually quite nice with the full length mirrors, and they had a mix of familiar "Americanized" dishes as well as the more authentic ones. Not to mention right across the street from a campus brimming full of kids and faculty. Perhaps it was the small lunch buffet? High rent? In anycase, RIP Vien Dong...lets hope the empty space is filled with a worthy replacement.

Movie Deficit

By: Mr. Wilson on January 25, 2005
I am waaaaay behind on my movie watching. The Academy Award nominations came out today and I haven't seen a single one of the Best Picture nominees. One of these days I'll catch them all on DVD. I hope.

Braeda Spams

By: Mr. Wilson on January 25, 2005
I'm such a meany. Today I received an e-mail from Braeda advertising their Super Bowl catering services. I had also received an e-mail from them a few weeks ago. It annoyed me then and it annoyed me today, primarily because I know where they got my e-mail address: from my business card, which I gave them in an effort to win a free lunch. So I sent them this:
I did not agree to receive your marketing e-mails. I believe you are therefore in violation of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. Specifically, your e-mail lacks a clear and obvious way to opt out of receiving further e-mails as required by the Act. (Incidentally, responsible and reputable businesses would offer that feature even without a federal law in place to require it.) Please immediately remove me from your mailing and contact lists, electronic or otherwise. Future unsolicited commercial e-mails in violation of the CAN-SPAM Act will be reported to the Federal Trade Commission. Please see http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/buspubs/canspam.htm for helpful information about the Act.
They will claim, of course, that I "opted-in" to their marketing efforts by supplying them with my business card. That's crap, of course. Nowhere near their little fishbowl did they state that my contact information could or would be used for anything other than to contact me about winning a free meal. I wonder if I'll hear back from them?
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