Does Anybody Like LIBA?

By: Mr. Wilson on August 8, 2006
Do any Lincolnites actually like LIBA? The two sentiments I tend to hear most are "I hate 'em!" and "Who?" I don't know a lot about LIBA, but my impression of the organization is that they exist primarily to say no to any government spending. There is certainly a role for that ideology in policymaking, but I wonder if LIBA goes too far. They come across as knee-jerk, anti-everythings. I doubt that's the impression they are trying to leave. Maybe they just need a new marketing director to spruce up their image.

If Two People Are Killed in One Weekend, Will Anybody Notice?

By: Mr. Wilson on August 8, 2006
Lincoln police dealt with two probable murder scenes over the weekend, but the news media have been surprisingly silent in the days since. Why? There are a bunch of possible reasons. Bad timing in the news cycle, for example. Or there are not enough details available to make an interesting news story. But still, two murders? That angle alone is worth something, right? I know this sounds jaded, but I have a theory to explain a portion of the light coverage: neither of the victims was a pretty, young, white female. The victim found on Friday was 43-year-old Sharon Desantiago. Sunday's victim was 28-year-old Doyle Bryant of Omaha. Few details about either victim, including their race, have been released, however Ms. Desantiago is pictured here. Sharon Desantiago I intentionally waited until now to post on the murders just to see if the coverage would pick up. It has not. There is always this week, of course, but doesn't that feel a little late?

Daddy Day

By: Mr. Wilson on August 7, 2006
Robert wrapped in a towel The Missus has to check in at work a few days this week, so today I'm pulling daddy duty. We started with an early morning walk, but we had to cut it a little short due to some pesky sprinkles. We don't really have a plan for the rest of the day. We'll probably just wing it. In other Robbie news, he has been sleeping through the night more often than not. It certainly isn't an every night thing just yet, but we're starting to see a pattern. When he makes it through the night he usually hits the sack around 9:00pm and wakes up between 6:00am and 7:00am. Robbie has also recently discovered the joy of spitting. He bubbles and gurgles and sputters his lips, and he loves it when we mock him in return. I think all the lip buzzing means he's going to play a brass instrument. I'm guessing trombone.


By: Mr. Wilson on August 7, 2006
Talk about timing. Just as Lincoln was talking about putting water use restrictions in place, Mother Nature goes and dumps rain right on the Platte River, helping to refresh Lincoln's wells. Which means, I suppose, that for now you are free to go about wasting water as you wish.

There Oughtta NOT Be a Law

By: Mr. Wilson on August 7, 2006
A while back the Journal Star ran a feature called "There Oughtta Be a Law", and other groups have run similar campaigns over the years. I don't know that anybody has ever done the opposite, though: There Oughtta Not Be a Law. Thinking only about local ordinances, which one(s) would you repeal, and why?


By: Mr. T on August 4, 2006
image Is it just me, or does anyone else find excessively NOISY restaurants to be a major turn-off? Why do some of the newly arrived Lincoln restaurants feel that pumping the volume at the lunch hour somehow makes the food or experience better? At times I feel like the dude in the famous “The Scream” painting by Munch above when I visit some downtown places. I understand that a number of places cater to the student body, and that some of the bars do need some music to keep things lively and so on. To me, a place like The Watering Hole – which has great food - has just the right level of music volume to keep things lively while allowing its patrons to converse without needing to use a megaphone. There are a few other places in downtown Lincoln, however, that have gone completely over the top when it comes to noise pollution. You probably know them. Anyway, a few of my favorites for real nice, quiet places to eat in downtown Lincoln are (in no particular order): Danny’s Deli, High Nooners, Papa J’s (or whatever it is now called), Nha Trang, Main Street Deli, Ali Baba’s, and of course, the immortal La Mexicana. Good food, and you don't walk out with busted ear drums, a disoriented look and migraine headache.

Good Marrow

By: Mr. Wilson on August 4, 2006
A Lincoln family is hosting a marrow drive in honor of Johna Kozak, who has acute myelogenous leukemia. If you have ever thought about donating bone marrow, this is a good opportunity. I have thought for a long time about donating bone marrow. My interest began several years ago when I had to have bone marrow drawn for some tests, and it grew when a childhood friend died of leukemia. I'm ashamed to say I still haven't gone through with the preliminary screening. For the average person on the street, it's no surprise that donating bone marrow isn't high on their list. The testing process itself costs $25. Not many people are willing to front that sort of money to have their cheeks swabbed. And then there is the actual donation process. It isn't for the faint of heart. Consider: they take a long, metal straw, jab it deep into your hip, and suck. Having had bone marrow withdrawn I can tell you that it's not at all painful at the time and only slightly uncomfortable. But it is much more complicated than giving blood, and it can lead to soreness and complications afterward. Here's hoping they soon come up with an easier way to donate, or better yet, come up with a way to use a patient's own cells.

Friday Five

By: Mr. Wilson on August 4, 2006
I think the summer heat is getting to us, and Lincolnites are getting a tad grouchy. So it's about time for a reminder of just a few of the great things about Lincoln, in no particular order:
  1. Lincoln is big enough to get lost in, but small enough there's a good chance you'll run into somebody you know.
  2. Sunken Gardens. What an awesome point of pride for the city.
  3. Our dining options are getting better and better. Sure, we have room for improvement, but do you remember how recently it was when Lincolnites were positively giddy that Applebee's was coming to town?
  4. Most Lincolnites don't have to think twice about going for a walk in their neighborhood any old time. And they do.
  5. There's no place quite like Lincoln. Not that I have found, anyway. We're just a little bit different, and we like it that way.

One for the Film Buffs

By: Mr. Wilson on August 4, 2006
Here's a weird and random question for you film buffs out there: It is common in romantic movies for there to be a scene in which the male and female characters dance while they are angry or annoyed with each other. It is so common, in fact, I would call it a cliche. In what movie and with which actors did that cliche originate? Any guesses?

A Plea to the Passionistas

By: Mr. Wilson on August 3, 2006
A quick plea to the Global Warming passionistas: Please refrain from from using local, short-term weather patterns as your evidence for global warming. Lincoln's recent heat wave doesn't prove global warming; it proves that it is summertime. When you use short-term events as the weapons of your crusade, you set yourself up for really annoying conversations like this: Global Warming Dude: See how hot it is? That's cuz of global warming. Fan of Fossil Fuels: No it isn't, it's just summer. GWD: No, Al Gore says it's Global Warming, and I believe him because he made a really great movie. FFF: You trust the dude who invented the internet to predict the weather? GWD: He didn't claim to invent the internet! FFF: Whatever, dude. Besides, it snowed in Johannesburg today. First time in 25 years. If anything, we're entering an ice age. GWD: What? That's baloney. It did not snow in Johannesburg. FFF: Did too. I saw it on The Weather Channel. GWD: Well that just proves that global warming is happening. FFF: What?! How the heck does snow prove global warming? Snow is cold, moron! GWD: No, see, Global Warming is just a shorthand name. It's really all about Global Climate Change. Global Climate Change explains everything from the heat wave in Europe, to your snow in South Africa, to droughts and monsoons. FFF: So basically if the weather isn't precisely average, then it's the result of Global Climate Change? GWD: It explains everything, because it's happening right before our eyes. FFF: Are you familiar with the word "tautology"? And on and on it goes. I realize "global average temperatures have trended upwards since the dawn of the Industrial Age, and the rate of increase is accelerating" doesn't sound sexy, but c'mon, you're never going to win an argument by pointing out that it's hot in the middle of summer. By the way, my plea can be applied to passionistas in other areas, too. I'm only picking on the Global Warming crowd because they've been chirping a lot lately about how hot it is.


By: Mr. Wilson on August 3, 2006
Good news! The criminal justice system in Lincoln is so under worked, they have the time and energy to bicker about whether or not a porn star's nipple covering was opaque, or merely translucent. As a responsible citizen, I demand to see the photographic evidence so I can make up my own mind. Which raises another topic: Lincoln's anti-nudity ordinance is a laugher. C'mon, people, does anybody actually believe that the difference between naked and clothed is the opacity of material covering one's nipples? I really wish I had been at the City Council meetings where that topic was debated.

Saying Hy to Northeast Lincoln

By: Mr. Wilson on August 2, 2006
Hy-Vee plans to build a new 84,000+ square foot store at 84th and Holdrege. Hy-Vee will also build a gas station at the site. It's easy to ho-hum a new grocery store, but the announcement should be received as good news by many of the people who are concerned about the impending closing of the 70th and O Hy-Vee. Granted, 84th and Holdrege is quite a hike from 70th and O, but given the drastic differences between old Hy-Vee buildings and their newer crop of stores, many shoppers will find the longer drive worthwhile.
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