Ours is a Pepsi Town
By: Mr. Wilson on
April 23, 2008
I don't think I have ever blogged before about how odd I find Lincoln's passion for Pepsi over Coke. When I travel, it seems like Coke products are the default pretty much everywhere, and by a wide margin. Not in Lincoln. I've never done a census, but sometimes it seems like Pepsi's lead in terms of restaurant contracts is 70-30. The margin probably isn't that big. Still, it's much easier to get a Pepsi in this town than a Coke.
Now Matt Olberding tells us that our new theater owners are Pepsi people. Marcus has to honor Douglas's current contract with Coke, but whenever that expires you'll get/have to enjoy a Pepsi with your popcorn.
I wonder why we're such a Pepsi town? Surely UNL's contract with Pepsi has something to do with it, but that's a chicken-and-egg circle. Is Pepsi cheaper for businesses? Is the service better?
I wouldn't care who served which pop if only Coke would put Mello Yello in more machines. You can only get Coke's version of the yellow stuff at a few places in town. Until they increase Mello Yello's distribution, I'll continue to look for the nearest Pepsi machine for my periodic dose of Mountain Dew goodness.