CA Waller at the Lied
By: Mr. Wilson on
October 26, 2005
Hey y'all, The folks at the Lied Center have decided that it would be better if I played the big house on Tuesday, November 15th, at 6 pm (hence the series name, FREE AT SIX). Now, I had originally asked that the performance be in the Carson Theatre (smaller, more conducive to the blues), but the crowds have been larger than they had expected. This is a concern. Filling a 200-300 seat theatre less than full is not exactly great, but it is easier on the psyche than a much, much, much larger room filled with that same number of faithful. SO, please spread the word that CA WALLER is playing the Lied on the above date. Support live & local talent (or, in this case, me). Thanks. Craig Lowe, aka CA WallerConsider the word spread.
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