Surprise. Jon Bruning announced his candidacy for the 2008 U.S. Senate seat yesterday at the Unicameral. Actually, Bruning "pre-announced" his announcement on Tuesday with a New York-based daily, where he had apparently been fund raising. As pointed out by a reporter at the Unicam announcement, it seems a little dubious for Jon to be talking big about representing small town Nebraskans against "carpet baggers" when the guy is getting as much out-state support as the next politician. Talking to the New York Sun probably wasn't the best media move Jon's campaign could have done the week of his announcement(s). Advantage: Chucky.
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I still stand by all my remarks earlier this year that Bruning is not to be underestimated, and I think he will be the next Senator from Nebraska. Maybe Chuckles won’t even run - he hasn’t made that clear, has he?
Interesting commentary regarding carpet bagging. The real issue should be about policies and what Chuck Hagel has done or not done, imho. Hagle no longer represents the real Nebraska.
“The real issue should be about policies and what Chuck Hagel has done or not done, imho.”
Good point. However Jon Bruning wants the real issue to be whether or not Hagel and Kerrey are carpetbaggers and if they want to make out with George W. Bush all night long as much as he does. 😉
What is the “real Nebraska” anyway?
<em>What is the
Oh no…I’m a Nebraskan, but I don’t support Bruning, so I must not be real.
Maybe it’s in the video for the song that almost became the state song.
That depends. Do you want the picture as painted by the data? Or do you prefer a collective self-portrait that represents more fantasy than reality?
You mean like the mural that just went up on the skywalk?
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