Blue Orchid: The Owners Respond

By: Mr. Wilson on February 2, 2006
Blue Orchid's owners have responded (second comment) to my previous post about the restaurant's less-than-stellar service. It is, in my opinion, an excellent response, and I am more than happy to highlight it. For those of you who find yourself in a similar position some day, please note that they:
  • ...responded quickly to their clientele's unease;
  • ...did not insult me, belittle me, or even express disagreement with me. They acknowledged the problem openly and honestly;
  • ...offered explanations, but no excuses;
  • ...identified good solutions to several of the problems, with timelines for some of them;
  • ...wrote clearly, concisely, and correctly.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
February 3, 2006 at 1:39AM

Very nice, high-class response from the owners of Blue Orchid (as opposed to notes from OTHER Lincoln restaurant owners). I was planning on returning there tomorrow evening with a dining companion, but may wait til next week sometime just to avoid the crunch. I have been there several times (all for lunch) and enjoyed it very much. The lunch combo really is a great buy. As you noted in your review, it really is too bad there isn’t more of a market for items like papaya salad, waterfall beef or other Northeastern Thai cuisine in the USA. It really is great stuff.  It would be cool if Blue Orchid added those to its menu.

February 4, 2006 at 3:46AM

I was very impressed with Blue Orchid’s rapid response to your post.  I’m looking forward to eating there in a month or so.

Mr. T:  Four Suns, way back in the day when it was in Airpark (circa 1997), had great papaya salad.  The Green Papaya at 27th & 0 obviously had great papaya salad too.

I’m sad the owner of Four Suns tried to expand.  What she had was great.  Several people I know drove way out to NW 48th St. to eat there.  As for Green Papaya, they were doomed from the start based on their location.

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