Bleeding Hart

By: Mr. Wilson on January 16, 2008
Housing slump? Impact fees? Shrinking market for "affordable" homes? Increasing competition? Whatever the cause, Hartland Homes is laying off "a few" of its twenty employees. Hartland Homes is Lincoln's largest homebuilder, so seeing them endure layoffs is pretty concerning to the local housing market.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

January 16, 2008 at 2:40PM

And probably not the last.

I’m thankful I am not trying to sell a home right now, although our realtor just told us that the market isn’t as bad as everyone thinks. I think she’s being optimistic.

January 16, 2008 at 3:18PM

I am all pro-Lincoln for the economy, and for houses being built, and for first-time homebuyers having a chance. With that said, we could use fewer Hartland Homes (imho). I hope the people laid off can find opportunities with other builders.

West A Dad
January 16, 2008 at 6:46PM

As an owner of a Hartland Home, I’d like to comment on this topic. But I might say some things that would offend.

Mr. Wilson
January 16, 2008 at 7:38PM

There’s nothing wrong with offending (though there are obviously good and bad ways to do it). Sometimes offending someone is the best way to get through to them.

West A Dad
January 16, 2008 at 9:41PM

For a first house, its not bad.  But that’s because I participated in the construction of the entire house from start to finish.  I would go to the site every day after work and make note of things that “didn’t look right” and I had the corresponding contractor fix the problem before it was too late. I also chose the materials that the house was constructed with and I feel it’s a better quality house than the average Hartland Home. 

I’m sorry some folks are out of work but I don’t feel sorry for Duane.  Not one bit. 

Fletch’s comment about needing fewer Hartland Homes might not have been said if Duane took a little pride in what he built.  And made the sub-contractors do the same. 

The irony is that some of his sub-contractors work for other builders also.  And shoddy work is shoddy work no matter who built the house.

January 17, 2008 at 12:24AM

Hi West A…

I didn’t mean to offend those living in Hartland Homes. I have family members in them. Houses are built with the same basic ingredients. The only way to get the houses that much cheaper than most other builders is cutting profit (I hightly doubt it), cheaper labor (could be, based on what you say), or cheaper materials (definitely from the outside looking in on most of their houses).

I don’t think they take pride in a lot of what they build, and I don’t think they take pride in the overall neighborhoods in many cases. Again, I applaud the first-time homeowners, but if you look there are many visible areas where corners are cut, and buyers that were not as diligent as you may not have as much to show for it as you do.

I’ve had a more expensive custom home builder build 2 houses for me, and I while overall I have been happy, I wouldn’t build with them again today. I think there are problems at all levels with most builders. I think HH homes tend to show more of it to the naked eye.

Again, I didn’t mean to offend you or other HH homeowners. I think the world of home ownership and highly encourage it.

West A Dad
January 17, 2008 at 1:40PM

Hi Fletch!

You didn’t offend me at all.  I hope that any potential homebuyer reads this and might learn something if thinking about building their first home.  It can be done right, or very very wrong.

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