Bird Flu in Lincoln!

By: Mr. Wilson on May 3, 2006
I found incontrovertible proof this morning that bird flu has arrived in Lincoln. It has to be here. What else could possibly explain the giant splatter of poo from an obviously distressed bird in the middle of my driveway? I mean, the thing was huge, roughly equivalent to the daily poo output of an entire commercial chicken farm. I tried to take a photo but it was so big I couldn't fit it all into the frame. That poor bird must have really been hurting. I knew it was bad when even Daisy refused to go near. I think I may need to declare my driveway a Superfund site.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Joshua Wiltshire
May 3, 2006 at 7:00PM

Better not tell Beerorkid.

May 3, 2006 at 8:54PM

It’s here in Omaha too, how else do you explain a dead bird in the middle of our front yard…

May 4, 2006 at 2:52PM

tanks jshwa, tanks.

that is right we need tanks to stop the communist, liberal, activist, envirowhacko avians and their disease spreading agenda.  We must fight them over there (with neat tanks) before they get here.

Give me a chicken with a runny nose and cough and I will tounge kiss and tounge clean it.  I fear no flu.

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