Big Bang
By: Mr. Wilson on
June 20, 2006
Make life as uncomfortable and expensive as possible for those who want to rob you of your democratically won right to a safe, reasonable celebration of independence.Our "democratically won right"? Hate to break it to you, Larry, but I don't think we ever "won" that "right" via democratic means. Well, not explicitly anyway. I know what he's trying to get at, but his appeal to democracy is trite. Besides, the fireworks portion of Independence Day has very little to do with independence, freedom, democracy, or any other grand theme. It is instead about, in the words of a good friend of mine, "blow(ing) some shit up!" I would know; I've detonated my fair share of explosives of questionable legality over the years, and I have utilized legal explosives in ways the makers never intended. There go my chances of getting elected to public office. Part of me wants to loosen restrictions on fireworks, at least on July 4. It isn't too much to ask to let people let off some steam one day each year, and I'm all for adults being able to decide the number of fingers they feel like losing. But many fireworks are extremely invasive. Even a simple 1/2" firecracker can be heard several blocks away. As a new father facing his first boom-fest with an infant, I'm not looking forward to what I expect could be a very long, sleepless night. I don't know that there is a "perfect" solution. Either you're going to drive people (and animals) nuts with loud noises, or you're going to drive people nuts by squashing their fun. Of course, a good solution would be easier to find if fireworks users weren't so often jerks. (I admit, I was a bit of a fireworks butthead back in the day.) A little civility and courtesy would go a long way toward finding a satisfactory outcome. Not that it matters. I figure it's only a matter of a few years before private fireworks purchases are extremely curtailed. I think it's pretty much inevitable.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Curtailed more than they already are? Last year I bought fireworks for my 6 year old son after not buying any for several years. I was quite suprised at what passes for permitable fireworks in Lincoln after visiting the stands around town. I can only imagine that they are grateful for what money they do make, but come on-smoke bombs? Sparklers? Some snakes? Oh no, anything that goes boom might cause someone to get hurt. In the Army we called it cutting our losses, operational security, or just plain Darwin. If you do something stupid take yourself out with it-that sort of thing. If you aren’t responsible enough to sit with your kids and show them resonsible fireworks useage then don’t buy that stuff. How much easier does it have to be?
I used to love fireworks but then I moved to Lincoln where our street becomes a close-quarters battle zone on the Fourth of July and I’ve gone from loving them to hating to be home on the holiday.
I stay home, however, because someone needs to the the hose out when hot embers lay glowing on the roof.
If a little self restaint could be displayed, things wouldn’t be so bad. But it’s gotten way out of hand in my neighorhood.
I still like blowing things up, just not in such close proximity to other people.
Thats where that ‘responsible usage’ comes in! *lol*
As someone who has extensive experience in heavily modifying Ground Blooms, Commando Tanks, sparklers, fountains, Roman Candles, and God only knows what else, I gotta say that every June I get excited as a loon on Boxing day for the flood of letters to the editor from tired old cranks bitching about the fireworks in their neighborhood, and where were the police that night and so forth. God bless America.
the comments on the LJS site were awesome
I stay home, however, because someone needs to the the hose out when hot embers lay glowing on the roof.
Foxspit - That to me would definitely be one of those boundaries that - if crossed - would warrant some sort of justifiable action. Neighbors’ fireworks landing on others’ homes/property is not cool. I think there are some reasonable lines that can be drawn. People sparking off fire crackers at 9 or 10 pm, ok fine. But if they’re still doing it at 1 am, that’s just plain rude.
We did vote the British out of the colonies, didn’t we? It is the historical Vote of Independence we celebrate on July 4.
It is the historical Vote of Independence we celebrate on July 4.
Yes. But what does that have to do with the obnoxious use of fireworks?
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