The Mayor is holding a press conference this morning to beg Lincolnites to use less water. Let's face it folks, at this point the most Lincoln-friendly and green option is to let your lawn go brown. I'm no lawn pro -- if you saw my lawn you'd know that instantly -- but my quick and dirty research suggests that lawns can be kept healthy, if dormant, on around 1/2 inch of water per week. Be a pal and help decrease Lincoln's overall water usage, won't you?
That doesn't just go for residential customers, of course. I'm also looking at you, commercial property owners who insist on watering your parking lots at 4pm.
I wonder what the water usage stats look like if you break down residential, commercial, and industrial usage. I don't see the information I'm looking for on Lincoln Water System's website, but there's a good chance I'm not looking in the right place. Perhaps one of you knows where we can see that breakdown.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I still think one fun and easy way to conserve a little is to shower with a buddy.
Sadly, no one jumped on board with my “If it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down” mantra on Twitter last week.
I used to water 4 days a week before all this. I have a rain sensor, so it doesn’t run if we’ve gotten proper moisture. I cut down to 3 days a wekk when the Mayor asked us to. I’ve still felt some guilt over that.
I am leaning toward a twice-a-week plan (like Wednesday and Sunday), but for the time being I have shut them off.
We have barely watered out lawn this summer, but I want to keep it from dying. My brother’s lawn died last year (in Austin) and he had to reseed the entire thing, using mass amounts of water to reestablish it. So hoping to avoid that. There already seems to be a dead patch right in the middle. Maybe I’ll just make that into a fire pit area.
We have been watering our vegetable plants fairly regularly (3x a week?), and our flowers/decorative plants about once a week (they should be OK, I’ve been choosing mostly native stuff).
“If it
The other thing they could do at buildings or in homes is put a brick or two inside the water tank of the toilet. Then it would fill up with less water, and use less on each flush.
Other things that would help a little are not having the faucet on for the entire duration of brushing teeth and shorter showers.
Here are 100 tips to conserve water:
I am sure I stole the “if it’s yellow let it mellow” line from my youth when there were water conservation issues or hippies on the TV. 😊
Showering with a friend is an excuse I like to suggst to my wife, all in the interest of helping the good people of Lincoln. Always willing to take one for the team.
I no longer have to mow I can just kick the grass off my yard…
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