It must be very annoying to walk outside in the morning to find out that your car has been shot up with a BB gun. The only vandalism my car has ever experienced was having its plates stolen. (They were found a couple weeks later in an alley in a town in Kansas. I actually got a phone call from the town's police chief to see if I wanted them back.) Have any of you been victims of the latest rash of BB gun vandalism? Would anybody be opposed to punishing the perpetrators by allowing their victims to shoot at them with BB guns?
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
How obnoxious. My suggestion is that the cops post a reward for information.
When they catch these kids, I don’t think they should be shot or anything. But they should be forced to pay all damages and then some, a public written apology and personal apologies to the victims, a few nights in the clink, and then like a few thousand hours of supervised community service.
Sounds like somebody got a Red Rider BB gun for Christmas.
I hope they find out who did this so they can pay for the damage they caused, but you have to wonder who has the means to pay for so much damage.
We used to have BB gun fights when we were kids, but these were fairly low-powered Daisy BB guns, not whatever these guys were using.
Coincidence? Yes.
We used to have BB gun fights when we were kids
LOL, wow how things have changed! You mean like those air rifle things? When I was in college and living in the dorms (not at UNL) I knew some guys who would take LSD and shoot those down the hall late at night.
Unrelated, have anyone seen “Blackballed:// The Bobby Dukes Story”? Some critics panned it but it was hilarious. (Corddry is coming back by the way, he’s got a show on FOX this spring).
Excellent. Damn kids.
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