Bank Shot

By: Mr. Wilson on July 22, 2009
Those of you who have been around for a while know that I am inclined to dismantle the state's monopoly over gambling in Nebraska. So when I see something like the maybe legal / maybe illegal BankShot come along, I all but reflexively shout "Legal!". The debate at the state level is over whether it is a game of chance or a game of skill. The former (in state law) is illegal, while the latter is legal. Have you seen the game around town yet? Apparently Patty's Pub (311 N. Cotner) is one place to find the game. Where else can it be found. If you have seen it, do you think it's a game of skill or a game of chance?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 22, 2009 at 8:20PM

It does seem to be a bit more of a game of skill. I say “legal.”

July 22, 2009 at 11:09PM

There’s a website devoted to the game, including instructions on how to play and where to find one near you.

July 23, 2009 at 1:36AM

I think that gambling, whether chance or skill, ideally should be legal. I am just wondering how games of chance such as the Nebraska Lottery’s line of games and pickle cards fall into a game of skill. Or do they exist in some other loophole I do not know about. Personally I am not much of a gambler so I have not given much attention to these matters.

Law Dog
July 30, 2009 at 4:52PM

Gambling is defined by three elements, (1) chance,

Legal Eagle
July 30, 2009 at 4:59PM

People there are thousands of other games of skill besides Bank Shot.  Commonly found all over the state, claw machine at your local supermarket, prize games at Walmart, the Midway at the State and county fair, Dave and Busters, Chucky Cheese, Golden Tree Golf and Silver Strike Bowler routinely advertise $50,000 or more in prize pools. Nebraska law is clear if the game is not predominately chance (luck) it is not gambling, Spire v. Strawberries. 
Is this not all about protecting a government created cartel (Keno and Pull Tabs)?  Is the message to bar and Tavern owners,

Liberty Girl
July 30, 2009 at 5:03PM

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