"The major decisions are all finalized right now." That's Kris Humphrey, the project manager for the city's Harris Overpass project at last night's public meeting. The $16.5 million bridge over O Street is all but ready to begin construction. Work should begin next fall, with completion set for the following fall.
I just have one question: why in the world does the project need its own website? Call me silly, but it seems like we could have saved ourselves a few hundred bucks by, I don't know, sticking it on the Public Works projects website.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I feel bad for the businesses on West O Street. Having the overpass closed for one year will likely kill some of the businesses.
The detours are OK, but the intersection of 10th and Sun Valley Blvd. wasn’t built for the amount of traffic it may have to handle and some people might not want to use the West Bypass to get to Mr. Goodcents, to pick a random business that will be affected by the detour.
The project is necessary though, so I’m glad it’s being done. I just wish they could have accommodated the businesses a little better. It’ll be nice when it’s done.
Hmm… The netblock for the IP ( is First Technology Solutions. The registrant, at least for the Harris site, doesn’t offer much info. I looked at a few of the other links on the ‘Projects in Study and Design’ page at http://www.lincoln.ne.gov/city/pworks/projects/design/index.htm and they all look like they are maintained by the firm doing the work, and not by the city. Maybe it’s part of the contract that these firm do all the web stuff?
I remember seeing the Web site a year or so ago when they first started talking about the overpass project and I recall it was something the design firm put together but not much substance. Not sure why they bother, other than maybe it’s part of proposals now.
does seem to be an attractive website though. me like the purdy.
I live in the south bottoms, I rarely use the viaduct actually. i can get to either side by going under, know what I mean?
But yeah it is gonna kill some of them biznesses.
I don’t know about killing off businesses to the West. Seems to me when you eliminate a bridge it makes it difficult to get either direction. If I lived in the lake area and wanted some food, Mr. Goodcents would look a lot more attractive to me with the bridge out than when I could jump across to downtown and get something else.
But that’s just me thinking positive for them.
Good point CP! I hope that’s a big enough boost to keep things going for places like that.
B.O.K.: I noticed that there is probably a way to get there by “going under.” I used to ride my bike along there to get from west Lincoln to downtown. That might be easier than the Sun Valley Blvd. detour.
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