Another Bond

By: Mr. Wilson on February 28, 2006
The City Council last night voted to place another bond issue before voters. This time it's a $2.7 million project to purchase 130 acres of green space adjacent to the South Beltway. The land will resemble the narrow green strip that follows Highway 2 from 17th to 56th Street. I can't help but be disappointed. In earlier discussions Lincolnites had set their sights high, proposing to extend Wilderness Park around the city as a massive and unprecedented green belt. The South and East Beltways were the perfect routes for this massive urban woodland. The bond issue that will go before voters in May is a joke in comparison. The costs of the earlier grand vision would have been astronomical, of course, and it's nowhere near certain that enough land could have been easily acquired to make the project worthwhile. But boy, wouldn't it have been fun to try? I think Lincolnites could have latched onto that vision far more easily than they've latched onto the vision of a revitalized Antelope Valley, a renewed Downtown, or even a new convention center.


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