... And Those Who Can’t Teach Get Fired

By: Mr. Wilson on April 17, 2009
I don't know if the decision to fire Jeff Jensby was correct. I do know that if slacking off and giving students better grades than they deserve is cause for termination, a whooooole lot of higher education instructors -- not to mention K-12 teachers -- just went on notice. And the rest muttered under their breath, "It's about damn time!"


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

April 17, 2009 at 6:18PM

In all fairness online classes are really pointless. Sounds like the Prof should have brought this up before taking on the project.

April 21, 2009 at 9:03PM

I am usually reluctant to give an opinion in situations like these, and I don’t know all the facts, but I do know Jeff.

Jeff has a rare and natural gift for teaching; He’s thoughtful and ethical, and his curiosity is contagious.

He works tremendously hard. He finds energy to reach out to struggling individuals in the midst of a schedule most of us would find daunting.

When I knew Jeff, he worked long hours and also taught confirmation and bible classes and led choirs on the side. He directed many youth activities (of which I was a part) because he believes people’s talents should be used, and he has a natural talent for leadership.

I have heard from many sources that this firing was politically motivated, as Jeff was critical of the very unpopular head of the department.

Knowing Jeff’s character, I find it hard to believe that he could be critical of anyone. He’s just that positive.

April 23, 2009 at 2:33PM

Elaborate, please, on why you blanket all online classes as pointless. I took online classes while deployed, I also took classes at Doane that that had a significant online component. My former co-worker, now lead technical writer/program manager for a Lottery vendor in Ohio is getting her Masters in ISM this way as well-their bump in her pay certainly didn’t seem to care about her online classes so long as it was accredited and tied to a brick and mortar school, and she could demonstrate mastery of the subject by doing her job.  So far as this guy Jeff is concerned, its his class-its his decision if the student mastered the material. If Jeff didn’t feel that the student needed to waste time re-doing things already done, then that should be the end of it. Ive had many instructors that have done similar things-making someone redo all the work that was already done is just punitive and wastes time. Administrators get in the way as much as help anymore with education. I don’t where he did anything wrong. It was an asinine request from the Dean that he make the student redo the entire set of material.

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