From the Least Surprising News of the Day files comes Ken Svoboda's announcement that he is running for Mayor. Mr. Svoboda joins Chris Beutler, a Democrat, and Roger Yant, an independent, in the race. Who is your early pick to win, place, and show?
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Dave K
September 28, 2006 at 4:06PM
I’m kind of hoping some 18 year-old will run as a high school civics project or something. That may inject some excitement into the race. All we have running right now are a bunch of substitute teachers. Besides, if Ken was mayor, then all landscaped medians in the city would go to hell, and I don’t want to see that.
City Councilman Ken Svoboda. Svoboda says he will run for office. Svoboda’s served on the council for 5 years. Svoboda says his focus is on economic development.
TWO: Roger Yant also says he’ll run for office. He’s an independent businessman who has run companies in Lincoln for the last 30 years. Yant says he’d like to lower property taxes and be fiscally conservative at City Hall.
“I’m not worrying about flack. If I’m elected, I’m elected to make the city run better, to cut spending, to cut taxes,” said Yant.
City Councilman Jon Camp is another potential candidate. Camp says he’s “strongly interested” in the Mayor’s Office. Camp has served on the City Council for 7 years. Camp says his focus would be on strong leadership. “We really need to jump start the community of Lincoln, so i think the next mayor needs to have a much different leadership style, it has to be vigorous,” said Camp.
City Councilman Jonathan Cook says he’s still considering a run for office. He’s served on the City Council for 7 years.
If elected, Cook says he’d like to focus on job opportunities and the City’s parks.
State Senator Chris Beutler. Beutler served with the legislature for more than 20 years. He says the Mayor’s announcement helped him come to a decision about running, though he isn’t ready to announce it yet.]
I like what Roger Yant said, “make the city run better, to cut spending, to cut taxes” YEAH!!!
Other than what’s at that linked site I don’t know much about any of the candidates, so I would vote for lower taxes.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I’m kind of hoping some 18 year-old will run as a high school civics project or something. That may inject some excitement into the race. All we have running right now are a bunch of substitute teachers. Besides, if Ken was mayor, then all landscaped medians in the city would go to hell, and I don’t want to see that.
Classic post K! I love it!
“Substitute teachers” cracked me up!
KOLN-KGIN writes:
City Councilman Ken Svoboda. Svoboda says he will run for office. Svoboda’s served on the council for 5 years. Svoboda says his focus is on economic development.
Roger Yant also says he’ll run for office. He’s an independent businessman who has run companies in Lincoln for the last 30 years. Yant says he’d like to lower property taxes and be fiscally conservative at City Hall.
“I’m not worrying about flack. If I’m elected, I’m elected to make the city run better, to cut spending, to cut taxes,” said Yant.
City Councilman Jon Camp is another potential candidate. Camp says he’s “strongly interested” in the Mayor’s Office. Camp has served on the City Council for 7 years. Camp says his focus would be on strong leadership. “We really need to jump start the community of Lincoln, so i think the next mayor needs to have a much different leadership style, it has to be vigorous,” said Camp.
City Councilman Jonathan Cook says he’s still considering a run for office. He’s served on the City Council for 7 years.
If elected, Cook says he’d like to focus on job opportunities and the City’s parks.
State Senator Chris Beutler. Beutler served with the legislature for more than 20 years. He says the Mayor’s announcement helped him come to a decision about running, though he isn’t ready to announce it yet.]
I like what Roger Yant said, “make the city run better, to cut spending, to cut taxes” YEAH!!!
Other than what’s at that linked site I don’t know much about any of the candidates, so I would vote for lower taxes.
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