And Now Back to Your Regularly Scheduled Program

By: Mr. Wilson on December 27, 2005
Whew! These past few days really flew by. I hope everybody had a jolly good Christmas, or a happy December 25th, if you're not the Christmas type. My niece had her second Christmas, but her first Christmas where she had any idea what was going on. She was a hoot. Christmas is much more fun with kids and toys around. And dogs. There must also be dogs. Daisy loved helping to shred wrapping paper and boxes. We don't let her do that sort of thing very often, so when she gets the chance, she goes to town. I received some nice gifts from the family. Clothes dominated this year. My wardrobe hardly gets updated except at Christmas and on my birthday, so if Santa's tailors don't come to my rescue, my closet can start to look pretty sad. The only thing I didn't receive that I had hoped for was a subscription to Reason Magazine. I think the 'L' word scared off any potential givers of that particular gift. No biggie; I'll just pay my own way. I get this whole week off work, so I'm putting in some hours on Lincolnite. I've already gotten a ton of work done, and I'm close to revealing some of it. An events calendar is my big project right now, but I'm also working on a classified ads section, data caching to improve the site's performance, and other fun stuff. During my coding I've run across a couple bugs in Expression Engine 1.4, but I'm finally confident enough about my PHP skills that I've been able to either work around the bugs or to help the EE developers squash them. EE's development team is awesome; they respond quickly and forcefully to squash any bugs that pop up. I'm pretty sure they don't sleep, because I've received support at all hours. Today's plan is pretty simple: walk the dog (check), order a RAM upgrade for this computer (check), hang out with The Missus (check), head to Oso for lunch and then come back here for an afternoon of PHP coding. In my book that's a pert-near perfect day around the house.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
January 7, 2006 at 1:31AM

Sounds like you had a nice Christmas! As for me, I tooled around the Puget Sound and otherwise spent most of my time in traffic jams through the Sea-Tac/Bellevue area. I did get a nice gift…a CD by Patty Griffin - “Flaming Red” - which I have been looking for for some time. I also ate a lot of Dungeness crab as recreational crabbing season was extended into January this year, luckily. Even then, fresh and live crabs out there were only $3.75 per lb. Very nice…

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