An Early Look

By: Mr. Wilson on July 11, 2005
After many -- too many -- hours in front of the computer this weekend, I'm happy to give you an early peek at the changes I'm making to Lincolnite. I have a long, long ways to go, but I wanted to prove to you that I really have been up to something this weekend. What you are able to see here -- that is, the few pieces that actually work -- is just a tiny fraction of what I accomplished these past couple days. A whole lot of behind-the-scenes work went on as well. As you can see, I am completely rebranding Lincolnite. It has a new logo, new colors, and a new underlying structure. And most importantly, I have a renewed interest in "re-finishing" this thing. For those of you aren't aware, Lincolnite was finished a couple years ago, until a devastating database accident wiped out everything. Everything. Data, design ... all of it, gone in a flash. I spent several months in a bit of a depression, and I have spent the past couple years fiddling rather aimlessly, trying to figure out how to bring Lincolnite back from the dead -- or if I even wanted to try. I now know that I do. In fact, I am putting a business plan in place that might even make me a few bucks. I'm not talking big bucks. Just enough to pay the bills to keep this site going, and maybe a little extra so that I can take the Missus out to dinner one extra night each month. I believe there is a market for a community-oriented website in Lincoln. I intend to tap into that market. All of that aside, I hope you will take the time to let me know what you think of the new look -- or at least the early incarnation of the new look. Don't be surprised if you see some goofy goings-on on the site over the next several weeks as I play with the design and implement new features. If you hang around and toss me some suggestions now and then, I promise you'll like what I have to offer in return.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
July 11, 2005 at 2:20PM

Bravo! Looks great!

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