I get a kick out of how much buzz the No Coast Derby Girls manage to generate around Lincoln. Most of you haven't actually seen them in action, yet I'm almost certain pretty much everybody here has at least heard of them. They are relatively visible around town, both in person and in advertising.
This weekend is the Amber Waves of Pain tournament. I'm half tempted to grab a ticket just so I can see what roller derby is all about. I have to admit that I don't really "get" roller derby, but that's easy to say when I've never experienced it. The closest I've come to roller derby is trying to help three boys stay on their feet at the skating rink. That was a very physical experience, but one which mainly strained my back.
Have any of you seen the No Coast Derby Girls in action? What can you tell us about them and/or roller derby in general?
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
We have gone before. It is fun and loud. We are going to bring earplugs this weekend. The nachos are awesome.
The film whip it teaches you the rules pretty well. I think the most surprising thing to me was that the group is not tearing around the track. So it seems kind of slow. The jammers are the ones who tear around the track and score the points. Also the jammers will fall down a lot just to protect themselves. It made it seem fake like wrasslin, but it makes sense, they do not want to get injured.
It is pretty cool. Not as violent as you would think, but entertaining for sure.
It’s rowdy & fun. It seems to appeal to a crowd that’s different than the typical Lincoln sports fans. That may have something to do with the fact that beer is allowed in Pershing. The rules are explained in the programs, so if you’re a first-time spectator, you can easily figure it out.
I used to love watching roller derby on TV - I think it was late-night fare on ESPN, or the early days of ESPN 2, when they called it “the Deuce.”
Portland Oregon was a hotbed for roller derby when I was growing up. Check out the youtube for Kansas City Bomber, much of it was filmed there.
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