I admit I don't drive around town all that much these days, but it seemed to me that pothole season was pretty kind to Lincoln's drivers this year. There were some big holes, sure. But there didn't seem to be as many of them at any one time, and the ones that did open up were generally patched very quickly.
Does my impression match reality? If so, I think we need to give the city's pothole crews a round of applause.
Oh, and I suppose I should mention that technically we aren't necessarily out of the woods yet. April's weather could still play tricks on us.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I experienced plenty this winter! Try driving along north 70th street (esp. 70th and Holdrege intersection and then north from there), or eastbound Adams near Lincoln North East HS. Plenty of potholes and bumps.
I think the whole stretch of O Street going from 84th to 70th is like a mine field, too.
I think there were fewer holes this year caused by weather, but I don’t know how that equates to giving props to the city pothole crews if there just weren’t as many to fill. Thank you for doing the job we pay you to do!
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