I recently discovered Adobe Designer at work. It's an incredibly powerful form design tool that makes form creation easy for designers, and form completion easy for users. Unfortunately, it has a couple shortcomings in how it interacts with the user. Those shortcomings nearly torpedoed a hefty portion of a project I've been working on. In fact, we had "officially" decided to dump Designer and go a more old-fashioned route.
Fortunately I was stubborn, and my stubbornness paid off.
Through a bit of luck I ran across a helpful document (PDF) that led me down a path that led to a path that led to a dead end, which encouraged me to dig a tunnel... Long story short, I found a workaround to do what we wanted to do with zero extra effort on our end, and only an extra mouse click or two from the folks who will be using our end product. And best of all, I earned a healthy scoop of brownie points, which always come in handy.
I love the rush you get when you accomplish something you had almost given up on. Considering how much energy we had put into this project, I would have been really disappointed if we had had to back down. Instead, I get to go hop on the bus with a skip in my step. To which I say: cool.
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