A Note About Links

By: Mr. Wilson on July 31, 2012
Historically, I've relied heavily on linking to the Lincoln Journal Star website to provide background information about the topics I discuss here. With the new LJS website paywall in place, that's not going to work so well. Right? Actually, for now I think we'll be ok. It turns out that if you access content on the LJS website via a mobile-friendly URL, that view doesn't count against your monthly access limit. So for now I'll just link to m.journalstar.com instead of journalstar.com. Unless they take away that option, that'll allow me to still link to articles without you non-payers having to use any of your 10 article views per month. If there's ever an article for which that doesn't work, I'll append [$] behind the link so you know what you're getting into before you click. And of course there will be many more links to free sites like 10/11. The content tends to be less in-depth, but we'll take what we can get.


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