A New Skyline

By: Mr. Wilson on January 24, 2007
Today's feature in the Journal Star talks a bit about the proposed high-rise for the former Star Ship location on Q Street. I'm skeptical about the likelihood of the project ending up as grand (pun intended) as the city's vision, but dang, wouldn't that be awesome? A new 25-story high-rise would be a huge boon to Downtown, and to Lincolnites' faith in the city's economic development efforts. Wash any skepticism from your mind for a second and think about it...


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Dave K
January 24, 2007 at 3:02PM

I would like to see this built, if the only reason being I have skybox seats for the construction.  My productivity at work would certainly plummet, like it did when the Douglas 3 was torn down, but who isn’t fascinated by construction? 

I’m also fearful that a grand plan is going to be wittled down to nothing.  What will start as a 25-story building and 600 parking spaces will end up being a 3-story parking garage with a coffee house. The developers should start as most negotiations do: big.  Say you want a 300-story building with 500,000 parking spaces.  By the time city developers get to it, it may actually be something close to 25 and 600.

January 24, 2007 at 9:23PM

Hey, all.  Might anyone know exactly when the Starship 9 demolition is scheduled to occur?  I’m trying to have a mini-meetup with some Flickr folks… Maybe along with popcorn and lawn chairs (lol).  But all I know is that it seems it will happen within the next few days.

Any help?

Dave K
January 25, 2007 at 4:54AM

I don’t know the exact date they’re going to do it, but they’ve blocked off the sidewalk on that block, and there have been firefighters walking on the roof presumably preparing the heating/ventilation equiment for destruction.  So I think demolition is imminent.  I will post here when I see some action.

Dave K
January 25, 2007 at 4:09PM

The destruction has begun!

Mr. Wilson
January 25, 2007 at 4:18PM

I thought I heard some thuds. I can’t believe I forgot my camera.

January 25, 2007 at 4:53PM

Thanks for the heads up, Dave!  Could you see me taking pics?  (I was in a red jacket.)

There were three guys standing across the street watching.  Two of them had been employees of the theatre up to the end, and were taking photos.  They said the theatre manager was watching with her dog, from a vehicle nearby. 

Looks like it’s going to be a slow day - only the center portion was demolished when I left - so grab your cameras over lunch, and stop by for a few.  I’m back at the office for now, but might stroll down there again, later in the day.

Dave K
January 25, 2007 at 5:15PM

I didn’t see you.  But then again, I wasn’t looking for you.  There were quite a few people watching, including someone filming.

They’re actually moving pretty quickly, from what I can tell.  They went straight from the entrance through the concession stand.  It took not much more than an hour from when they had just started scratching to when they were halfway to the back. They were at a pause, so I stopped watching.  I wish I had a camera or I would provide quarter-hourly photo updates.  I may check with our IT guys and see if they have any webcams laying around.  But I have a feeling that they’d be done with this by the time I got it set up.

January 25, 2007 at 5:26PM

Oh, I missed the person filming.  I was thinking about the Douglas 3 demolition video on JournalStar.com, and was surprised to see no media in sight.

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