I'm no golfer, but it's unfortunate that after all the excitement over a new clubhouse at Holmes Lake, the project is delayed and features have been cut thanks to bids coming in about 35% higher than expected.
I understand that pre-bid cost estimates are just that -- estimates. But whenever estimates are off by a whopping 35% I have to wonder just what the estimators were thinking. Did the cost of materials jump during the bidding period? Did local construction suddenly hit a boom cycle so companies could charge more? Was the estimation just some guy's wild guess?
The clubhouse will be built eventually, hopefully without having to sacrifice too many features that make it worth building a new clubhouse in the first place. Perhaps one of these days I'll even visit it. Golf is one of those sports (games?) I've always thought would be fun to get into, but I just don't have the time. Some day, perhaps.
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