I have been doing some freelance web development work over the past month, and I'm preparing to do even more over the winter during the soccer off-season. One of the projects I helped with just went live. I didn't do all that much work on the project, relatively speaking, but I'm excited anyway. Why? Because the site will probably be seen by a few hundred thousand visitors every month.
The site in question is Power Line Blog's Power Line News. Like I said, my contributions were pretty small -- I chipped in about five hours worth of work -- but I'm proud to have helped the lead developer solve a few fairly big problems in that time. For example, I helped set up the system that fetches RSS feeds from other sites, and then automatically creates discussion forum threads based on the individual posts in those feeds. I don't know who came up with the idea to do that (the lead developer? the client?) but it's a cool idea that was fun to implement.
I have really enjoyed the freelance work I have done so far, and I'm really looking forward to a huge upcoming project for a guy in San Francisco. I don't know where this road is taking me, but I'm sure enjoying the ride.
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