Chief Casady spent some time reviewing his website statistics, which got me thinking about how it had been a while since I had looked at mine. A couple interesting items:
First, I was extremely pleased to see that nearly 30% of Lincolnite's visitors use Firefox. Good job, folks! Some of you really need to upgrade, though. It's easy: Help -> Check for updates. Firefox takes care of the rest. Almost exactly half of the site's users use Internet Explorer, and of the IE users, half use IE7 and half use IE6. (And 2,500 hits came from IE 4.01. What?!) If you IE6 folks are able to upgrade, I strongly recommend upping to IE7. Well, actually I recommend switching to Firefox, but if you want to stick with IE, at least switch to IE7.
Let's move on to locations. A surprising 2.5% of my traffic comes from France. Huh? I mean, thanks for coming, but I don't understand the draw. Obviously most of the site's visitors are from Nebraska, and 75% of those are from Lincoln. There's also quite a bit of traffic coming from California. Hi West Coasters!
Search engine traffic is all over the board. But who cares about the normal items, I love the odd search phrases. Like these from January 2008:
- "Tori+Amos"+"To+Venus+and+Back" (47 hits)
- wrappers for hardshell tacos (2 hits)
- jennifer gray (32 hits)
- ferris bueller sloan (2 hits)
- keg prices in lincoln ne (4 hits)
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
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