A Lazy Sunday

By: Mr. Wilson on July 10, 2005
What a beautiful morning. Well, ok, it's pretty humid out there, but not obnoxiously so. Daisy and I took a walk to Lamar's this morning for a donut and milk. Do you realize how difficult it is to eat a donut and drink milk while trying to walk a dog? It's very tricky. Especially when you're also trying to carry a poop sack. That's a juggling act you just don't want to see. The Missus comes home today. She has been in Albuquerque these past few days visiting her parents. It was a quick trip, but it was sort of a now-or-never sort of deal. She probably won't see them again until Thanksgiving. They have come up here the past two Thanksgivings; hopefully we can keep that tradition going this year. Despite our wildly different food preferences, The Missus, the in-laws, and I manage to have a really dang tasty Thanksgiving meal each year. My plan for the rest of the day, save for an hour or so to pick up The Missus, is to get as much of Lincolnite's redesign finished as possible. Wish me luck!


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