The Lancaster County Super Fair starts today and continues through August 11. As in past years, admission may or may not be free. Supposedly you have to pick up a ticket from Russ's, Super Saver, or Casey's in order to get free admission. Otherwise admission is $2. On the other hand, they've said that for the past two years yet not once have I ever seen anybody collecting tickets or $2 at the gate. There are Casey's locations on North 70th Street at both Adams Street and Havelock Avenue (on two corners!) if you need to pick up your tickets at the last minute.
10/11's story on the fair's judges reminds me of my days helping out at the County Fair back when I was a teen in 4H. My friend Chris and I spent a lot of hours at the fairgrounds. We used to ride our bikes there before 7am and we'd leave after supper. We helped set up displays, put ribbons on items, and took care of other general tasks in the 4H area. My favorite activity was helping out in the concessions stand. Boy oh boy, I had that stuff down to a science. I helped train other groups as they came in for their shifts. It always amazed me how difficult some people would make the job for themselves.
The Fair's buildings are open from 10am until 10pm. The midway is open from 5pm until midnight on weekdays, and 1pm until midnight on weekends. Remember, however, that last year the midway was pretty tiny and pathetic for the first few days before expanding later. If you're a midway fanatic you may want to investigate what's actually on site before you commit your money.
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