“A Duck Ate Me”

By: Mr. Wilson on January 3, 2005


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Mr. T
January 3, 2005 at 10:14PM

I am a fan of today’s games (Half-Life 2, World of Warcraft, Battlefield 1942, etc..).

Gaming in general gets a bad rap nowadays. I would rather spend an hour or two in the evening playing a good game rather than indulge in the crack that most people would rather do: watch mindless TV. That is the real addiction that afflicts people in this society nowadays, but its only accepted since so many people are captivated by it. I would encourage my kids to play an interesting and fun computer game they can at least interact with instead of spend the same time watching shows with characters named “Kelso” or beer commercials with horse farting jokes.

Mr. Wilson
January 4, 2005 at 5:36PM

I don’t have anything against today’s video games. I just don’t play them. There is something to be said for the profound simplicity of some of yesterday’s games, however. Tetris, for example, was an incredible game. (Not that I was ever a huge Tetris fan; I preferred playing Klax on my Atari Lynx. That game friggin’ rocked!) And one of the Best Games of All Time has to be the uber-simple but addictive-as-crack Bubble Bobble. Man I miss that game.

Then again, sometimes simplicity can go too far. I’ll take Madden over Atari Football any day.

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