A Bad Nebraskan

By: Mr. Wilson on January 24, 2007
Am I a bad Nebraskan for not being giddy about President Bush's call in his State of the Union Address for substantially more biofuels? Nebraskans are supposed to be singing a happy song because ethanol is great for the state. But I'm just not sold on ethanol, or at least not corn-based ethanol. Ethanol is more expensive per mile, and producing it takes a ton of water. Plus, diverting so much acreage to energy instead of food (or from other crops to corn) will raise food prices on countless products. I want to be pro-ethanol. It's the Cornhusker-y thing to do. But somebody is going to have to convince me. Now, if President Bush had said "We need to make substantial investments in nuclear power to ensure low-cost, safe, environmentally-friendly energy for decades to come" I would have fainted. Then I would have applauded like mad.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
January 24, 2007 at 2:56PM

Ethanol is horrible.

January 24, 2007 at 3:45PM

I’ll put sugar in my tank before I put corn in my tank.

January 24, 2007 at 3:55PM

I IM with a guy from Brazil often.  I asked a bunch about their energy independence and sugar cane fuel.  Of course sugar cane is waaaaaaaaaaaay better than corn ethanol, but it is still not perfect.

Most cars over there are flex fuel and depending on the market for the sugar decides which fuel you use.

January 24, 2007 at 11:48PM

I am still holding out for my Flux Capacitor. That is all.

January 25, 2007 at 8:27PM

I burn nothing but E-10, and my car couldn’t be happier.

January 26, 2007 at 1:46AM

Is ethanol bad for your car? I never know what to believe.

I keep thinking that over time, ethanol production will get cheaper and more cost efficient. Maybe that’s just idealism.

Mr. Wilson
January 26, 2007 at 1:54AM

Is ethanol bad for your car? I never know what to believe.

I’m not sure about it being “bad” for your car, but it is a less efficient fuel so your mileage will drop.

<em>I keep thinking that over time, ethanol production will get cheaper and more cost efficient. Maybe that

January 26, 2007 at 5:18AM

The thing I don’t get is how at some stations, the Ethanol blend is a dime more than regular unleaded, and at others it’s a dime less. How does that work, exactly?

January 26, 2007 at 5:24AM

I figure since it is not a major industry yet the prices fluctuate a bunch.

My friend in Brazil mentioned how people just know about what is most efficient considering the less milage you get with the ethanol fuel.  It is almost second nature what to fill their flex fuel cars with based on the different prices at the pump.

I am sure you have seen that tortilla prices in Mexico have hit highs lately.  It has some to do with corn based ethanol in the states.

Thing is the future holds the key.  people do not want to drive Ford Festiva’s but do want economical vehicles.

Corn based ethanol has issues, we will find better solutions.

I would love to see sugar cane or more sugar beets grown in NE.  Corn is so 1995 😉

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